Zhenjiang JINDA mechanical equipment Co., Ltd
● 提供客户售前、售中、售后服务。
Provide pre-sale, in-sale, after-sale services.
● 接到客户服务信息后,在24小时之内作出答复或派出服务人员,做到“始于客户需求,终于客户满意。”
Receives customer service information and replies within 24 hours or sends out service personnel to "start with customer needs and end with customer satisfaction."
● 提供客户设备安装、调试、运行、维护技术支持。
Provide service like device installation, debugging, operation, maintenance technical support.
● 协助客户进行问题分析,提供解决方案。
Assists customers with problem analysis and provides solutions.
● 随时提供客户所需备品备件。
Provide spare parts for customers at any time.
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